Hi, I am Yuriy,

Junior JS React Developer

I develop applications using the following technologies: JS & React, I use technologies: Node.js, express, Redux, react hooks, Webpack, TypeScript, REST-API, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB. I keep track of the new approaches and best practices as the modern development world is a high-paced environment. Constant learning and progression of technical skills is crucial for providing the best software solutions.


Skilled in using markup, semantic elements, cascading style sheets, SASS and LESS preprocessors.


Solid language comprehension. Profound understanding of primary concepts: objects, functions, DOM, events, network request, OOP, regular expressions and others.


Skilled in using class and functional React components, React-hooks, Redux state manager, react-router library and more.


Node.js - back end of JS. JS outside the browser. Modules, server, express framework, REST API, database queries.


Solid understanding of package collection. Configure projects for React and React & TypeScript.


TS - synthesis of JS and C #.Basic concepts of typing: access modifiers, namespace, interfaces, generic. TS integration with React.